Matlab 2015a OSX - AppzDam

Name: Matlab 2015
Mac Platform: Intel
Includes: K
OS version: Mac OS X 10.9.5 or later
Processor type (s) & speed 64-bit processor
Minimum RAM: 2 GB
Video RAM: No specific

What's New
Version 8.5.0 (R2015a):
New Features, Bug Fixes, Compatibility Considerations
Documentation: Documentation for custom Integrate MATLAB toolboxes into the Help Browser
Documentation: Determine When Introduce Feature
Array Size Limit: Limit maximum array size to Prevent Unintended creation of very large matrices
Tab Completion: Complete class properties and methods class definition files while editing
User Interface Preferences: Control user interface language
Language and Programming
Repel Function: Repeat copies of the array elements to create larger arrays
line Function: Now Preserves shape of the cell array of string inputs
isenum Function: Determine if enumeration is variable
Milliseconds Function: Convert to number duration of Milliseconds
Publishing markup: Include external content files
fullfile Function: Maintain all double-dot symbols
Python Objects: Indexing Support
Python Version 3.4: MATLAB Support
MATLAB Engine for Python Support for startup options
MATLAB Engine for Python Support for Unicode in Python 2.7
Conversion of Character Strings To Java Arrays: Preserve null characters
Web Services, WSDL Documents: Limitations
Unit Testing Framework: Members tests for categorization and selection
Unit Testing Framework: Run tests in parallel
Unit Testing Framework: Share sighs tests variables in scripts
Unit Testing Framework: Use prebuilt body fixtures
Unit Testing Framework: Compare objects using isequaln
Unit Testing Framework: Use expected homogeneous causes constraints with Throws
Git Source Control Integration: View details branch and delete branches
Matrix C Library: New functions
Functionality being removed or changed
discretize Function: Group of bins or numeric data into categories
Descriptive Statistics: Omit NaN values ​​in statistical Basic Calculations, Including max, min, mean, median, sum, var, STD, and cov
ismembertol and uniquetol Functions: Perform comparisons using the set tolerance
Random Numbers: Generate random numbers using the double-precision, oriented SIMD Fast Mersenne Twister (dSFMT) algorithm
nearestNeighbor Function: Determine alphaShape nearest boundary point
Functionality being removed or changed
Data Import and Export
Datastore: Read one complete file with 'File' option for property ReadSize
Datastore: Read data in parallel from the datastore with partition function using Parallel Computing Toolbox
webwrite Function: Send data to RESTful Web services using the HTTP POST method
webread and websave Functions: Request data from RESTful Web services using the HTTP POST method
xlsread and readtable Functions: Read from Excel files larger spreadsheet software
textscan and readtable Functions: When reading Return Consistent results quoted strings
Scientific Libraries File Format: Upgrades
Functionality being removed or changed
drawnow Function: Improve performance in animation loops with new option
Functionality being removed or changed
MapReduce: Run MapReduce algorithms on any computer cluster hurt Supports pools using parallel MATLAB Distributed Computing Server
Interpolation Functions: Execute faster with multithreaded Calculations
Hardware Support
IP camera: Acquire Video Directly from Internet Protocol cameras
BeagleBone Black Hardware: Black hardware BeagleBone Access Support Package for MATLAB with the BeagleBone Black Hardware
Arduino Hardware: Access to the Arduino Leonardo and other boards with the MATLAB Hardware Support Package for Arduino
Arduino Hardware: New function configurePin
Functionality being removed or changed
↑ Info
Explore new ideas
MATLAB® is the high-level language and interactive environment Used by millions of engineers and scientists worldwide. It lets you explore and visualize ideas and collaborate across Disciplines Including signal and image processing, communications, control systems, and computational finance.
Put your ideas into action
You can use MATLAB in projects Such as modeling energy consumption to build smart power grids, control algorithms for Developing Hypersonic vehicles, analyzing weather data to visualize the track and intensity of hurricanes, and running millions of simulations to pinpoint optimal Dosing for antibiotics.
System Requirements
Intel Mac OS X 10.9.5 or later
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