Passwordshield For Windows Phone - AppzDam

Securing private data is one of the top goals for a lot of users and those who need to have their logins and other types of credentials kept safely can try one of the numerous apps created for this purpose.

For those who want to enjoy full protection for their web logins onto their mobile devices, Passwordshield for Windows Phone is definitely one of the possible alternatives.


  • Functional and simple looking GUI
  • Add the entries with no efforts
  • Create complex passwords and backup data
There is a built-in password generation feature that you can use when adding fresh entries and create up to 40 characters long passphrases that may contain lowercase, uppercase, numbers and special characters.

Passwordshield is ready to help you store a backup copy of the password list inside your OneDrive account and sync the database whenever necessary. The information is transmitted encoded for each transfer, so there should be no worries in this respect.

The list of backups is easy to view and manage form the "Settings" area of the application and also from the option customization section you can activate the password prompt for every time the utility is invoked, even when resuming from the recently used apps list.

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